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Craft and Art in the Museum of Sandstone

The Museum of Sandstone in Havixbeck introduces a stone with history.

Baumberger Sandstone - that's not only a building material but also a high-class sculpture material. 

This fine-grained stone has been worked in the quarries nearby Havixbeck (at the Baumberge, wich means tree mountains) for 1000 years. Since that time it has been used - especially in the medieval age - in Northern Germany, in the Netherlands and in the Baltic States.


Treatment of the sandstone and who this did

The museum presents beautiful sculptures and fine masonry. At the same time we try to explain, how these products have been made - and who did it.

Fossils in Baumberger sandstone tell us something about the origin of the stone. Heavy machines and tools from the Hesselmann''s quarry give us idea of the trouble, that the daily work with stone meant for quarrymen and stone masons.


The ready work - sculptures, ornamentic, history, etc.

he museum has been placed in a former farm near Havixbeck centre. Beside the permanent exposition there are also special exhibitions. In the adjoining building are working the professional sculpturer Wilfried Pinsdorf, and the cafe'' is a further attraction for our visitors.


Address, Opening times, etc

Address and contact

Gennerich 9
D - 48329 Havixbeck

Telefon: 02507 / 1596
Telefax: 02507 / 1598

E-Mail: nfsndstnmsmd

Geodata of the museum:
Longitude 51.979146363987695 (51° 58' 44.93'' N)
Latitude 7.407156497174583 (7° 24' 25.76'' O)

Museum opening times and infos

Angela Heinemann
Museum Director
E-Mail: heinemann@gemeinde.havixbeck.de

Admission free, donations are welcome

Tuesdays to Sundays

  • March to October 11.00 - 18.00 Uhr
  • November to February 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr

The Museum of Sandstone
Gennerich 9
48329 Havixbeck